Translations:Enter and approval of supplier invoices/32/en
To post a project purchase, select Insert row Project. If you have been using purchase orders and state the PO-number, the remaining contents will be filled in automatically (client, project, purchase code and purchase price). Otherwise, fill in these fields, the purchase price will be fetched from the invoice registration. The mark-up for the purchase price comes from the purchase code in Base registers/Pro/Cost codes Purchases (and in some cases from the project). The sales price is automatically calculated. You can also use the invoice currency, which makes dividing a foreign invoice in several projects easier. The system can be set such that the suggested mark-up not can be changed. The setting is in the Base registers/PA/parameters; tab Purchases and Other, field Change purchase mark-up. In the Adjustments tab there is more alternative in handling mark-ups and sales prices. It is called Special gross purchase as adjustment. When activated, it turns the difference between the suggested and the new sales price into an adjustment.