Betalinger kan håndteres på flere måter i Marathon. Du kan skrive ut betalinger til en fil som kan lastes opp på nettbanken, bruke Marathon som hjelpmiddel for betalingsrutinen men betale fakturaene manuelt, eller ikke bruke betalingsrutinen idet hele tatt.
Felles for alle disse måter er (unntatt å slett ikke bruke betalingsrutinen) er fremgangsmåten for å skape betalingsforslag og betalingsoppdrag. Momentet utføres i Classic 03-60 og funksjonene er satte i den orden som du normalt vil arbeide.
Noter forskjellen mellom forslag og oppdrag. Begynn med å ta ut et forslag på fakturaer som skal betales. Etter å ha redigert forslaget og gjort tillegg, fjernet fakturaer eller redigert noe i en betaling som skal utføres, skaper du oppdraget. Først da anser Marathon at betalingen er gjennomført. Avhengig av firmaet sine innstillinger skal du siden betale fakturaene. I denne manual beskrives de vanligste rutinene. Kontakt systemansvarlig eller Kalin Setterberg dersom du er usikker på hvilke innstillinger firmaet dit har.
Skap forslag
Angi betalingsvei. Den styrer hvilke betalingsmåter som kommer med i forslaget. Betalingsvei 1 (BGC) henter vanligvis opp måtene BG, BU, og BK. Dersom ikke alle ovenstående betalingsmåter vises da du gjør forslaget med valg 1 for BGC, kan du legge till det du mangler i System: Grunnregister/Lev/Parametrer, fliken Betaling.
Fyll ut t.o.m. ønsket forfallsdato. Dersom du vil, at alle fakturaer ska med og siden betales i følge forfallsdatoene, fyll ut dato = 999999.
If your selection lacks one or several invoices that you wish to include in the selection, you can add invoices in this program.
In this program you can remove invoices from the selection by pressing <Space> when you are on the invoice row. The asterisk (*) beside the row shows that an invoice is in the selection. You can change invoice information (payment date, method and amount) with the F1-key.
When you have finished editing, you can make a printout to make sure that the selection includes the payment you have chosen. Write N on “Including marked out lines” to see only the edited selection.
In this program you can cancel a selection, if you don’t want to keep it. When you cancel a selection, the invoices in it can end up in other selections. It is thus important that you always cancel selections that you have no intention of paying. Not executed selections are visible at the left side of the page on the main menu for payments, 03-60
There is a setting in the Purchase Ledger’s parameters that only approved selections can become payment orders.
Create payment order
The payment number you see is the one that you have created last. Test print shall be N. Payment date is suggested as numbers:
1 means that the invoices will be paid per the due dates. If you rather want that everything shall be deducted per a certain date, change to number 2 and fill in the date in the field. A third alternative is number 3 which means that the invoices shall be paid as soon as possible.
Cancel payment order
If you have created a payment order and for some reason one or several invoices have not been paid, you should cancel the payment order for the invoice(s) concerned. The cancellation means that Marathon no longer considers it as “Payments on the way” and it can thus end up in new payment orders.
Print payment order
You can print out invoices in a payment order until they have been booked as paid.
Via BGC (Sweden only ) | Contact Kalin Setterberg for further information. |
Create file | When the payment order is printed, you can choose where the payment file shall end up in your local computer. You can thereafter import the file into your internet bank to be paid. |
Pay manually | When the payment order is printed you can use it as supporting document for payment, via the internet bank or some other method. |