
From Marathon Documentation
Revision as of 17:45, 12 April 2016 by TR (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I 02-62-02 kan du siden kontrollere og redigere udvalget. Alle fakturaer med en stjerne til venstre er markerede og vil modtage en rentenota. Hvis du vil fjerne nogen af faktu...")

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Skab udvalg

Når du skal sende rentenotaer begynder du ved at gøre et udvalg i 02-62-01. I den menu kan du selektere på fakturanummer, konto og omkostningssted. Hvis du ikke foretager selektering, vil alle fakturaer parate for rentefakturering at blive valgte. Du kan også vælge at kun medtage fakturaer, der ikke skal beregnes rente ved att skrive J i ruden ”Inkl. fakt. med rente= N”

Rediger udvalg

I 02-62-02 kan du siden kontrollere og redigere udvalget. Alle fakturaer med en stjerne til venstre er markerede og vil modtage en rentenota. Hvis du vil fjerne nogen af fakturaerne, afmarkér den ved at holde markøren på den aktuelle faktura og taste mellemslagstasten (Space). Hvis du vil markere fakturaen på nyt, gør du på den samme måde.

You can also see the interest information of a certain invoice. Select the invoice (use arrows to move the indicator to it) and press <F1>. The information in the window is editable.

Cancel selection

In 02-62-03, the complete selection can be cancelled.

Print out selection

To print out the selection is not a necessary thing to do, but if you prefer to see the selection on paper or as a PDF file, you can do it in 02-62-04.

Print interest invoice

When you are sure that the selection is OK, you are ready to print out the invoices. Use program 02-62-05.

Reprint interest invoice

If you want to reprint the invoices, use program 02-62-07.

Keep in mind

Old interest amounts

If it is your first interest invoicing, or if much time has passed since the last time, delete old interest amounts. No client would be happy to receive an interest invoice they may have paid over a year ago. Delete the invoice amounts in 02-62-06. Make sure that you choose the correct date; the interest amounts can not be recaptured.

Credit interest invoice

For crediting an interest invoice in 02-62-08, your company must use invoice templates with type ”printout template”. Contact our support if you are not sure of your template type.