News:Automatic adjustment of WIP when printing a project invoice

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Automatic adjustment of WIP when printing a project invoice
Published 2017-03-06
Module Project accounting
Version 546
Revision 39191
Case number 947421


  • The adjustment is made based on the invoice content at the time of definitive printout.
  • Adjustment date is the book date of the invoice.
  • The automatic adjustment is only upwards, i.e. existing WIP will never be adjusted downwards.
  • Existing time reports will be invoiced if they have same LOB and fee code as stated in invoice content.
  • Adjustments are always made on the employee that is project manager of the project.

How to activate the function

  • The main parameter for activation is n System: Base registers/General/Company specific parameters in the tab Other under PRO/ Automatic adjustment of WIP.
  • When this parameter is set you can activate automatic asjustment of WIP in the tab Parameters on the invoice.
  • The invoice parameter can be set as default on the project in System: Base registers/Clients and projects tab Invoicing