Aikaraporttien hyväksyntä

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Marathonin voi asettaa niin, että esimiehet hyväksyvät työntekijöiden aikaraportit. Ohjelman voi myös asettaa niin, ettei aikaraportteja voi päivittää talousosastolle, ellei niitä ole hyväksytty.


Tarkista, että kaikilla hyväksyjillä on valtuudet Aikaraporttien hyväksyntäohjelmaan. Tarkista valtuudet ohjelmassa Hallinta/Valtuudet/Projektihallinta/Rekisteröinti/Aikaraporttien hyväksyntä.

Valitse sen jälkeen ohjelmassa Perusrekisterit/PRO/Parametrit, välilehdellä Oma työ, josko aikaraportit hyväksytään Ryhmittäin tai Työryhmittäin.

There is also possibility to choose specific fee codes to appear in separate columns in the time report approval function, and to set up so that only approved time reports can be updated.


Määrittele hyväksyjän valtuudet käyttäjärekisterissä Perusrekisterit/Yleistä/Käyttäjät. Alla olevassa esimerkissä käyttäjällä on valtuudet hyväksyä ryhmätasolla.

If the box All is checked, all employees regardless of group or working team are selectable.

In the program Approval of time reports the approver can then select group/working team. In the example below, group has been set in the parameters. The approver can only see groups that she/he is authorized to.

Approval of time reports in Frontoffice

The program for approving time reports is in Frontoffice: Project. Select year and month, and the employees will appear in the list.

Description of the columns:

Not handled days days that are reported but not approved
Not reported days days that doesn't fill the time requirements or are marked as ready
Approved days days that are approved and OK
Not approved days days that are approved as Not OK
Changed day exists shows if a day has been changed after its approval

Other functions:

Remind time reporters An e-mail is sent to time reporters who have Not OK days
Printout You can print out time reports. A special print template is required, contact Kalin Setterberg for further information.
Reconciliation An overview of all employees' calendars. This list is the same as in Backoffice: Project accounting/Reconciliation Time.

To look at a time report

Select an employee and see her/his report by clicking Open. The following view is shown:

The above columns fetch information from:

External projects Projects with project type E (external), G (group) and J (speculation)
Internal projects Projects with project type I (internal)
Internal time Cost category 90 (not project related)
Illness Cost category 96
Vacation Cost category 93
Other absence Cost category 91, 92, 94, 95, 97 and 98
Total Shows reported hours in total
Calendar Shows the reporting requirement of the employee
Approval Shows daysy that are handled, i.e. OK or not OK. The field is labelled with user and time of approval.
Comment Field for optional approval comment.

You can open a single day in order to see what projects and codes the hours have been reported on:


You can approve single days by marking them and then pressing Approve days, or a complete month by pressing Approve month. In both cases the box shown below opens, where you can approve or disapprove a day and write a comment:

You can also open a time report for one specific day and approve it. A day that is not OK is shown in Marathon Time, crossed:

Notification to employee

You can send an e-mail to an employee with days that are not OK. Click on Remind time reporters in the list of employees, the following confirmation is shown:


You can print a list of all time reports for the selected month with the Print function. Note, that you need a print template for that, contact Kalin Setterberg to order one.


If an employee changes her/his time report on a day that already is approved, it is shown in two ways: With a red cross in the column Changed:

In the employee's time report in the approval, the text in the Approval column turns red:

Backoffice watch list

In the watch list for time reports, the accounting staff can monitor the time report approvals. Additionally to functions described in Approval of time reports in Frontoffice here is a function fo reminding approvers:

Remind approvers Sends a reminder mail to approvers with not handled days during a period. Select approvers with checking the box on a rpw. All approvers are selected by default.