News:Calculated amounts and default columns in project invoicing
From Marathon Documentation
Calculated amounts and default columns in project invoicing
Published | 2017-08-15 |
Module | Project accounting |
Version | 546 |
Revision | 40517 |
Case number | 968825 |
If you use formatted invoice text in PRO, you can now write a formula that automatically calculates amount in the amount column based on the values in the other columns. In the formula, column 2 corresponds with B, column 3 with C etc. see example below. The formula supports the following operators: ()*/+- When the amount has been calculated, it will not change if you change the formula. But if you make changes in some fields, the amount will be recalculated.
Klicka på knappen Spara default för att spara antal kolumner, kolumnbredder och formel. När man skapar en ny faktura så kommer den nya fakturan att vara förinställd enligt hur fakturatexten var anpassad när default sparades.