Godkendelse af rekvisitioner

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Godkendelse af købsordrer
Published 2023-12-19
Module Økonomi
Version 546W2311
Revision 0
Case number CORE-4820

Godkendelse af købsordrer

Enny funtion for godkendelse af köbsordrer er blevet tillagt

En parameter kaldet Godkendelse er blevet tilføjet i Basisregistre/PRO/Parametre, Indkøbsordrer.

I Økonomi/Leverandørfakturaer er følgende blevet tilføjet til denne nye funktion:

New button, ‘’EXTERNAL CONFIRMED’’. Three new columns, ‘’Approver’’, ‘’Approval’’ ‘’Approval external’’.

When creating a new Purchase order it now possible to appoint an Approver.

It is possible to appoint yourself as Approver and it is possible to Approve a Purchase Order that you yourself is the Approver of.

If the parameter ‘’Approval’’ is activated for Purchase Orders and you try to PRINT a Purchase Order which is not Approved you will get an error message ‘’Final approval missing’’.

The approval process is done in Accounting/Approval. You can either approve by marking the row, click OPEN and change status to Approved or Not approved or by using the button DIRECT APPROVAL.

When the Purchase Order is approved, the Purchase Order will have ‘’J’’ in the column Approval in Accounting/Suppliers’ invoices, Purchase Orders. It is now possible to PRINT the Purchase Order.

After the Purchase Order has been printed it now possible to use the button EXTERNAL CONFIRMED. The Purchase Order will now get ‘’G’’ in the column Approval external.

After this the Purchase Order is retrievable during the Posting of a Supplier invoice in the Preliminary entering. Only the Purchase Orders that are Approved with both Approval and Approval external are eligible in the list of Purchase Orders in the Posting.