News:Bookkeeping/Expenses: Use roundings account only for amounts

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Bookkeeping/Expenses: Use roundings account only for amounts

[Module: General ledger - Available from version: 545W1508 - Case number: 813425] Publication date: Wednesday April 29th, 2015 Could not identify your Marathon-version, use the link in your Marathon-client to access this page.

When Marathon does not know what account to post an expense to, it has previously been posted on the account for roundings defined in Backoffice: Base registers/PL/Parameters. It is now changed so that only unknown amounts +/- 0,50 are suggested to be posted on the rounding account. Other unknown amounts are not suggested on any account annd shall be corrected by the person booking the expense.

Published unknown
Module /Backoffice/Bookkeeping/Expense reports
Version unknown
Revision unknown
Case number unknown
News link 4960