News:Discount codes

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Discount codes
Published 2012-02-27
Module Media
Version unknown
Revision 20260
Case number unknown
News link 1321

Some standard discount codes are always set at the Marathon installation. Without these codes codes, discounts cannot be used on insertions in an order. Click on Price/discounts (in the tab Insertions) to see a new window where you can write up to four  different discounts on an insertion. You can also write the discounts in an open price row on each insertion separately.

New discount code

Register new discount codes in Base registers/MED/Discount codes.

Write the name of the discount name in the field that is suitable for your company’s base language.

Then tick in Other discount in Discount type. Volume discount, Negotiated discount and Added value are probably already existing discounts in your Marathon.

Select if the discount shall be deducted separately and/or if it shall be forwarded to agency.

Discount code in the media database is used on selected Finnish media only and concerns discounts after provisions.