News:Order type, media and insertion date can now be shown as subject when mailing order

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Order type, media and insertion date can now be shown as subject when mailing order
Published 2012-05-03
Module Media
Version unknown
Revision 20691
Case number 579773
News link 1976

In order to include order type, media and first insertion date in the e-mail subject you will have to make settings in Base register/MED/Parameters, tab Plans & orders, field Mail header Order. Write # followed by the number to select what information to show and in which order. Type means here order type.

Company can also be included in the  e-mail header, but that can be entered manually in the below field, since this setting has to be done per company.

The following has been selected in the example below:

Order number type, client name, insertion date, media name

Which can look e.g. like this:

123456 alteration order, Client ABC, 2012-05-06, Magazine XYZ

Note that this field currently can handle a maximum of 50 digits.

Settings made before this change are still valid. for example:

  1. , from Media agency, #

which shows

123456, from Mediabyrån, Client ABC

Earlier only order number and client name were includable.