News:Possibility to separate media cost from colour- or other surcharges

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Possibility to separate media cost from colour- or other surcharges
Published 2012-05-21
Module Media
Version unknown
Revision 20810
Case number 579045
News link 2036

You can now separate colour surcharge from the media cost and/or separate other surcharges from the media cost. Earlier you could only separate either all or nothing from the media cost.

Example:  There is a negotiated 10 % discount on the media cost, including the colour surcharge. There is no discount on the web- and environmental surcharges. Tick in the box Separate other surcharges but do not tick in  Separate colour surcharge,  see above.

With the new settings you can thus enter a discount on the media cost including colour surcharge, but leave environmental- and web surcharges without discount.

The insertion looks like this:

This change has been made compatible with settings in previous versions of Marathon, which means that a tick in the box Split base price and surcharges generates a tick in both Separate colour surcharge and Separate other surcharges.