News:Version 545

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Version 545
Published 2013-06-19
Module General
Version unknown
Revision 25275
Case number unknown
News link 3309

News in Marathon, version 545

General There are two main reasons to the development of version 545; the possibility to register amounts with decimals in the media system and better performance. At the same time we have taken the opportunity to remove double functionalities. Programs in Classic that have an equivalent in the graphical interface have been removed, and exists no longer in Classic.
Decimals in media It is now possible to register amounts with decimals in the complete media system. Contact us if you wish to activate the decimals. It is a comprehensive change that requires a review and adjustment of your routines before activating.
Performance The amount of information stored in Marathon is continuously growing. With a general technical measure we have been able to improve the system’s performance with up to 25 %. In the media system we have also made further performance improvements in some frequently used programs  as Reconciliation media invoices, Ad check and Media inquiries.
Removed double functions As the majority of the base register programs are located in the graphical interface, we have now removed many of them from Classic. In the media system we have also been going through other functions in Classic and removed those of them that exist in the graphical interface. See separate list of functions affected. List of replaced functions
Preparations for updating to 545 Printouts in the media system via laser templates are not supported in version 545.  If you are not sure whether you use laser templates or not, we can help you with that information. Laser templates are to be replaced with printout templates. Manual transfer of media invoices to the Sales ledger has been replaced with  an automatic one, which means that all printed invoices have to be updated before installing version 545.