From Marathon Documentation
This tab shows the current status of the project. You can deepen into any underlined heading.
Currency: Marathon supports handling of multiple currencies. Select the currency you would like to show all amounts in. |
Fees/Purchases/Other: In these menus you can choose how you want the information on fees/purchases/other to be shown when deepening. |
If you choose e.g. Cat/Code/Employee in Fees Marathon shows you first the information divided per job category. If you click on a certain category, you will see the information divided in job codes. Click on a job code to see the employees that have been reporting time on the code. Finally, by clicking on an employee code, you can see her/his complete time report row including the comments.
Show only updated hours: MIf you tick this box Marathon shows only the hours that have been updated by the Accounting Department. If not, all reported hours on the project are shown. |
Total master project: If you tick this, Marathon shows statistics for all projects that are tied to different master projects. The master projects are defined in the project registration or in the General information tab at each of the separate projects. What is master projects and how can I use it? |
Show period: The analysis tab shows normally the current status of the project, but it is possible to write a certain period here, to see only that period’s data. Note that Invoiced shows what has been invoiced of registered during that period. |
Fixed price: Fixed price can be stated here or in the tab General information, provided that the field is active. |
Budget: This column shows the total sums of the estimate divided on fees, purchases and other. (If the parameter “Include only confirmed estimates” is checked, only confirmed estimates will be shown here.) |
Quantity: Number of reported hours, number of purchases and number of other records. |
Registered: This column calculates the monetary value of actual fees, purchases and other. |
Concerning fees the value is based on the number of hours multiplied with the hourly rate/code price entered in Marathon. Concerning purchases the purchase price (cost) added to the mark-up defined for the purchase code.
Adjusted, Invoiced, WIP
Adjusted: Adjustments are normally made in connection with invoicing or when closing project. Click on the underlining to see adjustment details. |
Invoiced: Shows what have been invoiced so far on the project. |
WIP: Amount to be invoiced. The WIP is the sum of registered amount plus possible adjustments minus the invoiced amount. |