Translations:Enter clients and projects/28/en

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Invoicing currency Currencies and rates are managed in System: Base registers/General/Currencies.
VAT The VAT code controls the invoice’s VAT.
  • Domestic VAT - Taxable client within the country, vat to be charged
  • Taxfree domestic - Not taxable client within the country, no vat to be charged
  • Foreign, outside EU - Not taxable foreign client outside of EU, no vat to be charged
  • Foreign, EU - Not taxable foreign clients inside EU, no vat to be charged
  • No fee - Taxable clients in Sweden, no vat on fees
  • Internal - Internal settlement within group (not on vat declaration)
VAT rate Vat rates are managed in System: Base registers/ General/VAT.
VAT-number VAT number is mandatory for clients with VAT code Foreign, EU
Terms of payment Select credit days fro the client (0-999 days)
Current month +above Possibility to start counting credit days from the first day in the next month
Allow coll invoicing Allows invoicing several projects on one common invoice.
Invoicing fee For clients that shall be charged an invoicing fee. This requires an other-code for invoicing fee. Create the code in System: Base registers/Pro/Parameters/Invoicing.
Invoice level Not in use
Lowest inv. level = 2 Not in use
Gross invoice Not in use
Hours Check if the invoice shall have hours.
Hourly rate… Check if hourly rates shall be shown on invoice.
Comparison Select possible comparisons on the invoice.
Divided in …. Check in, if the comparison amounts shall be divided in fees, purchases and other
E-mail for invoices Fill in e-mail if you wish to send invoices automatically as emails. Note, that pre-invoice deductions and credit invoices also will be sent.