Translations:Inventory ledger/5/en

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Placement codes

Placement codes can be used for connecting assets to different departments, e.g. offices or floor levels. Placement codes are registered in System: Base registers/INV/ Placement codes and requires only a code and a name.


The parameters concerning the inventory ledger are in System: Base registers/INV/ Parameters. General asset type shall be stated if one or several asset numbers shall use a global numbering range. All asset types with 0 as Next asset number use the global number range. It is the number range on asset type that is registered here that is used. The parameters Posting of depreciations in GL and Posting of disposals in GL control whether depreciation and disposals shall be posted automatically in the bookkeeping or not. If left unticked, they will have to be manually booked in order for the inventory ledger to agree with the bookkeeping.