Translations:Media Base registers/154/en

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Save general invoice text Check if you want to save the general invoice text that can be written in the invoicing 08-70-10 .
VAT-allocated posting 1234 in position 6 means that the sales are booked with the end numbers 01, 02, 03 and 04 of the account, depending of the VAT rate and country of the invoice.
Invoice type The invoice type is MF and shall not be changed
Cost centre from group If you use cost centres in the bookkeeping, the group's cc is fetched automatically. Otherwise it is fetched from
Show latest client no from SL
Create one client pr. product in SL In the invoicing you can choose to handle products as separate clients, which can be helpful in possible reminders and interest invoices. Otherwise all invoices come to the client number of the client.
Cap cost % of disc code If the surcharge concerns only one discount code. Otherwise this is stated directly on the discount code
Vat in commisisions on VAT free media When invoicing a vat free client, you can still count vat on the commission parts. If the commission is a deduction, the Vat will be negative.
Vat in part of neg disc . See above. Vat is entered on codes with capital costs in percentage
Count cash discount
from total incl VAT Otherwise it will be counted from the total excl. VAT
Rate mandatory in order Not recommended, makes manual rate updating mandatory on new orders
Invoice surcharge with status R
Demand actual currency rates Invoicing cannot be made if the rate is not updated
Use rate of insertion date Fetches rate from insertion date. For both client- and media invoices
E-mail heading Heading when sending invoices as emails
E-mail only invoices with
amount <> 0 Stops invoices with zero amount from being sent (e.g. pre-invoice deductions)
Invoice fee only on invoices
with amount <> 0 Does not add invoicing fees to zero invoices
Include invoices made in PRO Allows collective invoicing with a project invoice. NB! Print template has to be adjusted.
Do not update client in SL If you want to update the client manually when invoicing.
Today's date default on ”to ins date” Suggests today's date as end date in teh insertion date field 08-70-10
Send all invoices via
Invoice distribution No Invoices will be sent from 08-70-10, but all from the Invoice distribution program.