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From Marathon Documentation
Pages in category "News//Frontoffice"
The following 156 pages are in this category, out of 156 total.
- News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner
- News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner/da
- News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner/en
- News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner/fi
- News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner/nb
- News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner/sv
- News:Calculations
- News:Campaign
- News:Changes in allocations when copying order to another plan
- News:Code lists – Register for allowed fee codes per project
- News:Collective group as selection in Marathon Time
- News:Column definitions in project reports: Own ID, Reporting ID and Inter-company code
- News:Column in Media inquiries: Campaign
- News:Comment in Yearly agreement shown also when no discount rate is set
- News:Commission changes now also shown in Media database log
- News:Company as a subtotal in media reports
- News:Control of future credit exceedings
- News:Create expenses/disbursement bill
- News:Credit is only checked on clients involved in a separate order
- News:Currency mark-up in printout of graphic plan
- News:Current invoicing on previously set date
- News:E-order watch list
- News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print
- News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print/da
- News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print/en
- News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print/fi
- News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print/nb
- News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print/sv
- News:Estimate client selectable as subtotal in MED and MED&PRO reports
- News:Exclude discount codes with ticked box (to agency) on discount codes in draft and graphical plan
- News:Expenses/Disbursement bill approval to immediate superior
- News:Extended comment field in report templates (media reports)
- News:Extended possibility to enter future dates when registrating insertions through the media database
- News:Extended warning on changes of insertions with registered media invoice
- News:Extension of log function per order with information about reconciliation code
- News:External client name available as subtotal in media reports
- News:Five summarizing- and sorting levels in project reports
- News:Fixed price on surcharge code used in Add surcharge
- News:Fixed price on surcharge code used in draft
- News:Four decimals on discounts now possible on draft in Media plans
- News:Four new column template codes for due date
- News:Function that updates a changed order
- News:Marathon Time for Android – Marathon Pocket
- News:Marathon Time for Iphone – Marathon Pocket
- News:Material list with delivery information in separate column
- News:Maximum amount per insertion now settable per user
- News:Media cases
- News:Media inquiries: New column External Surcharges
- News:Media plan printable in either base currency or in client’s invoicing currency
- News:Media plans/orders: Insertion status as column
- News:Media plans/orders: Quotation number as column
- News:Minimum fee now on media plan printout and in Marathon’s order registartion sheet
- News:Months with zero results now displayable in media reports
- News:More authorization levels in Media plans
- News:More than one yearly agreement can now be handled in drafts in Media plans
- News:Negotiated discount now calculatable backwards in draft
- News:Negotiated discount now comparable with other agencies within the same Marathon installation
- News:New calculation type for commission from media
- News:New choice in Yearly agreement: All clients
- News:New column in Client and project: Notes
- News:New column in Media inquiries showing insertion status
- News:New column in Media/Media plans: Campaign
- News:New column Max CTC in the list of plans
- News:New column template code: Campaign
- News:New column template code: Campaign (code)
- News:New column template code: Client (external name)
- News:New column template code: Collective media type code
- News:New column template code: Formats
- News:New column template code: media statistics code
- News:New column template codes for received column-millimetres
- News:New columns in Media inquiries showing date and user for registration
- News:New credit check in the Media system
- News:New report definitions for WIP valuated amount: Automatically reserved and Manually reserved
- News:New selection and summarization definition in project reports: Occupation
- News:New selection definition and new column template code in media reports: Our reference
- News:New selection definition in Media inquiries: Campaign
- News:New selection definition: Campaign
- News:New selection in Reconciliation Time: Staff category
- News:New subtotal in project reports: Accounting period
- News:New subtotal in project reports: Invoice client
- News:New subtotal: Reference number
- News:New summation definition: Campaign
- News:New turnover calculation in Special agreement
- News:Optional date interval period now selectable in a project’s analysis tab
- News:Order header can now be shown in e-mail header when sending orders
- News:Order reconciliation in media inquiries
- News:Order type, media and insertion date can now be shown as subject when mailing order
- News:Orders created by draft is now regarding to the surcharge code’s setting for commissions
- News:Parameter for maximum time per day
- News:Parameter for warning when pre-invoice amount exceeds plan amount
- News:Possibility to add comments on reports
- News:Possibility to add surcharge code in draft
- News:Possibility to change media on an invoiced order
- News:Possibility to hide negotiated discounts in the Media database on client level
- News:Possibility to make several selections in each field in Media report selections
- News:Possibility to printout project estimate to Excel with printout template
- News:Possibility to separate media cost from colour- or other surcharges
- News:Posting in invoice currency
- News:Pre-invoice as insertion status
- News:Printout function in Media clients agreement
- News:Project budget: Contribution per tab
- News:Project estimate with calculated cost and possibility to exclude row at printout.
- News:Project inquiries
- News:Project printouts
- News:Section is now possible to include in e-mail header when sending orders
- News:Selection on companies in Media reports
- News:Selection on order number possible in printout of graphic plan
- News:Send orders to several recipients at the same time
- News:Sending queue
- News:Several price rows from the Media database selectable on the same order
- News:Show end dates in export of plans and in insertions’ list on plan
- News:Subtotals mandatory when printing out reports
- News:Supplier code in vouchers for Danish companies
- News:Tag changes as finished without measures
- News:Technical specification texts in English
- News:The definition Campaign can now be printed on media plan, graphic plan and invoice
- News:The file name on plan printouts has now external client name (instead of internal)
- News:The media plan draft now takes into account possible capital cost and commission settings on surcharge codes
- News:The media reports are now adjusted to xlsx spreadsheet format
- News:Time report comment in project reports for not updated time
- News:Title as column
- News:Two new columns in Media inquiries: Base price net and Colour surcharge net
- News:Two new subtotals in media reports: Collective client 2 and Collective client 3
- News:Two new subtotals: Staff category and Job codes in Media reports
- News:Warning if media invoice is entered on order when changing order and client invoice
- News:Warning when creating new project on client with exceeded credit limit
- News:Warning when using insertion date that is more than one year old.
- News:WIP 2 in Client and Project has changed name to WIP+Planned
- News:WIP valuation
- News:Write message and attach documents when sending orders via email