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Pages proposed for translation

These pages contain text with translation tags, but no version of these pages are currently marked for translation.

  1. FAQ/st
  2. Guide for BI
  3. NEWSːKontonamn per språk
  4. New Year 2015 – Extended manual
  5. New Year 2015 – Quick guide
  6. New year 2016 545/da
  7. Swedish
  8. Translations:New year 2016 545/3/da
  9. News:Abbreviations
  10. News:Account statement
  11. News:Accounts assigned to MED in Enter vouchers
  12. News:Activity log
  13. News:Add-on functionality in Bookkeeping/Estimate
  14. News:Address register
  15. News:Adjusting/Invoicing: Reference number as column
  16. News:Adjustment in foreign payments from those with Handelsbanken as bank (only Denmark)
  17. News:Adjustments of expense type
  18. News:Age distributed WIP list for purchase price WIP (and pre-invoices not deducted)
  19. News:Age distributed WIP list now printable per project ID
  20. News:Agency settlement per agency
  21. News:Agency settlements
  22. News:All records and According to selection now selectable in Contact Files
  23. News:Allocation of provisions according to agreement is shown on price rows
  24. News:Allocation per format in graphic plan
  25. News:Amount and Unit price in printout of cost estimate in PRO
  26. News:Authorization
  27. News:Authorization check of user in Base registers/MED/Users in invoice printout 08-70-10
  28. News:Authorization for approval of time reports
  29. News:Authorization group registers
  30. News:Automatic posting of cash discount on dimensions plan, client, media and order
  31. News:Automatic posting with voucher templates
  32. News:Automatic product numbers
  33. News:Automatic text per invoice about rate discrepancies in payment vouchers
  34. News:Automatic update from Marathon Time now possible
  35. News:Automatic update of purchases
  36. News:Automatical handling of insertion fees per format/per week and pre-invoicing fees
  37. News:Batch change not possible for dates and employees in Time corrections
  38. News:Batch change of agreements on order
  39. News:Batch change of insertion status
  40. News:Batch change of media plans
  41. News:Batch change of reference numbers and material deadlines on orders
  42. News:Batch change of the field Description (alteration order Mediatrade)
  43. News:Book of entries/journal
  44. News:Bookkeeping/Expenses: Use roundings account only for amounts
  45. News:Budget and prognosis
  46. News:CTS
  47. News:Calculations
  48. News:Calendar
  49. News:Campaign
  50. News:Campaign mandatory on media plans as client setting
  51. News:Change company
  52. News:Change in Reconciliation of media invoices for calculation of discrepancies booked away, but not updated
  53. News:Change in discount handling on surcharge code
  54. News:Change log in global chart of accounts is now shown in all companies that share chart of accounts
  55. News:Changes in allocations when copying order to another plan
  56. News:Changes in booking of in- and outgoing foreign invoices
  57. News:Changes in conditions for earliest day to close a project
  58. News:Changes in payment suggestion – Denmark
  59. News:Changes in payment suggestion – all countries
  60. News:Check off clients’ payments via BGMAX file
  61. News:Claims from Reconciliation of media invoices
  62. News:Classic 04-21-80 Change project type on project has been moved
  63. News:Classic 04-21-82 Change VAT-code on project has been moved
  64. News:Code lists – Register for allowed fee codes per project
  65. News:Collective client and client category as columns in Base registers/MED/Clients
  66. News:Collective client as column in Invoice distribution
  67. News:Collective group as selection in Marathon Time
  68. News:Collective product (no,da:overprodukt, fi:ylituote) as columns in Reconciliation of media invoices
  69. News:Column definitions in project reports: Own ID, Reporting ID and Inter-company code
  70. News:Column in Media inquiries: Campaign
  71. News:Column in suppliers’ register showing latest invoice date on a supplier
  72. News:Columns for supplier categories and export of suppliers with category names
  73. News:Columns in Media/Reconciliation media invoices: Client net-net in order currency
  74. News:Comment fields available in agreement tabs in the media register
  75. News:Comment in Yearly agreement shown also when no discount rate is set
  76. News:Commission changes now also shown in Media database log
  77. News:Company- and user name now in the title bar
  78. News:Company as a subtotal in media reports
  79. News:Concern consolidation
  80. News:Contact and reference number on interest invoices
  81. News:Control of future credit exceedings
  82. News:Copy page heading
  83. News:Cost centre and – object included in export of SIE-4
  84. News:Cost centre as column in Purchase Ledger/Account statement
  85. News:Cost estimate
  86. News:Cost estimate and Prognosis
  87. News:Cost estimate templates
  88. News:Create expenses/disbursement bill
  89. News:Credit is only checked on clients involved in a separate order
  90. News:Credit monitoring
  91. News:Credit project invoices in Backoffice: Project accounting/Adjusting-invoicing
  92. News:Crediting/reversing invoice in the graphical interface
  93. News:Currency mark-up in printout of graphic plan
  94. News:Current invoicing on previously set date
  95. News:DIN
  96. News:Default cost centre per account
  97. News:Default selection in transfer from previous years
  98. News:Different terms of payment on media cost invoice and fee invoice
  99. News:Differing invoicing address on cover sheet in media invoices
  100. News:Direct entry of discrepancies and labelling of invoice pdf
  101. News:Disbursement of expenses via the Purchase Ledger
  102. News:Discount codes
  103. News:Distribution of intercompany media invoices
  104. News:Do not allow time reporting that exceeds estimated time
  105. News:Documentation
  106. News:E-order watch list
  107. News:Easier to separate currency – and media discrepancies
  108. News:Editing of authorisation- and user records together with another user
  109. News:Enter media invoices from TV Gate
  110. News:Enter media invoices – today’s date as accounting date by default
  111. News:Enter other
  112. News:Equal sharing of fees (irrespective of other allocations)
  113. News:Estimate and WIP 2 shown when adjusting a project
  114. News:Estimate client selectable as subtotal in MED and MED&PRO reports
  115. News:Excess invoiced purchases excludable in Age distributed WIP list
  116. News:Excess payments in foreign currency
  117. News:Exclude discount codes with ticked box (to agency) on discount codes in draft and graphical plan
  118. News:Exclude invoice fee: parametric setting for zero invoices and manually on insertion level
  119. News:Expenses/Disbursement bill approval to immediate superior
  120. News:Export function for all projects
  121. News:Export of all special hourly rates
  122. News:Export of client agreements with information about clients using them
  123. News:Export to Adra Match Accounts
  124. News:Export to payroll system
  125. News:Extended comment field in report templates (media reports)
  126. News:Extended functionality for handling of purchase orders
  127. News:Extended possibility to enter future dates when registrating insertions through the media database
  128. News:Extended warning on changes of insertions with registered media invoice
  129. News:Extension of log function per order with information about reconciliation code
  130. News:External client name available as subtotal in media reports
  131. News:FAQ – English
  132. News:Favourites
  133. News:Fetch cost centre from employee group when booking expenses/disbursements
  134. News:Field for VAT country on clients in the sales ledger
  135. News:Five summarizing- and sorting levels in project reports
  136. News:Fixed price on surcharge code used in Add surcharge
  137. News:Fixed price on surcharge code used in draft
  138. News:Formatted invoice text
  139. News:Formatted invoice text, possibility to write header, columns, indents, etc.
  140. News:Four decimals on discounts now possible on draft in Media plans
  141. News:Four new column template codes for due date
  142. News:Four new columns in reconciliation of media invoices concerning reservations
  143. News:Function that updates a changed order
  144. News:Graphic plan now printable in invoicing currency
  145. News:Graphic plan now printable to xlxs format
  146. News:Gross price before and after correction of measuring (opmåling) now shown in Ad check (Denmark only)
  147. News:Hot keys, search options, etc.
  148. News:INV
  149. News:Import of SIE-files (Sweden)
  150. News:Include current month (for terms of payment) as column in agreement register
  151. News:Include planned hours at import from resource planning to Marathon time.
  152. News:Include project invoice in media invoicing
  153. News:Indicator now showing your current row
  154. News:Individual amount indications for insertion fees 1-3
  155. News:Information from the tab OTHER now includable when copying insertion
  156. News:Insertion fee now chargeable per spot, media in combination, week and format
  157. News:Insertion fees on zero insertions now negative amounts when crediting
  158. News:Interest invoices shown in Backoffice: Sales Ledger/Questions
  159. News:Intra company reconciliation
  160. News:Inventory ledger
  161. News:Invoice amount in base currency when checking supplier invoices
  162. News:Invoice amount in invoicing currency, new column in Sales ledger/Queries and Sales ledger/Invoice distribution
  163. News:Invoice comment, insertion year and order instructions now available in reports.
  164. News:Invoice distribution of group internal invoices in PRO
  165. News:Invoice instructions as a column in Adjusting/Invoicing
  166. News:Invoice number and client name in e-mail header in invoicing via e-mail (MED)
  167. News:Invoice number and client name in e-mail header in invoicing via e-mail (PRO)
  168. News:Invoicing fee in Invoicing/Adjusting
  169. News:Invoicing in media: One invoice per Campaign
  170. News:Invoicing in the graphical project module- invoice content in text in invoicing currency
  171. News:KASE support (sox)
  172. News:Last place in search window saved on the user
  173. News:Last selection now saved at Show also preliminary orders when printing graphic plan
  174. News:Last selection of reconciliation codes is now saved in Enter media invoices
  175. News:License history
  176. News:License usage
  177. News:List Other
  178. News:List purchases
  179. News:List shows a row for each type of change
  180. News:List with locked orders in media invoicing
  181. News:Local media selectable in Media database
  182. News:Log of sent payments
  183. News:Marathon Time for Android – Marathon Pocket
  184. News:Marathon Time for Iphone – Marathon Pocket
  185. News:Material list with delivery information in separate column
  186. News:Max CTC in the campaign register checks now existing media plans when amounts are changed.
  187. News:Maximum amount per insertion now settable per user
  188. News:Media cases
  189. News:Media credit
  190. News:Media inquiries: New column External Surcharges
  191. News:Media name includable in e-mail headline on claims
  192. News:Media not classified as print now also includable in ad check
  193. News:Media plan printable in either base currency or in client’s invoicing currency
  194. News:Media plans/orders: Insertion status as column
  195. News:Media plans/orders: Quotation number as column
  196. News:Media reports, column templates: Possible to have several surcharge codes/intervals on the same row
  197. News:Media reports, column templates: Selection on categories for fee codes in PRO
  198. News:Mediatrade invoices can now be in a pending mode
  199. News:Media’s order number now available in claim printouts
  200. News:Minimum fee now on media plan printout and in Marathon’s order registartion sheet
  201. News:Months with zero results now displayable in media reports
  202. News:More authorization levels in Media plans
  203. News:More columns in Ad check
  204. News:More selections in agency settlement- plan, order, media grouping and media
  205. News:More than one yearly agreement can now be handled in drafts in Media plans
  206. News:Move forward planned time for a project or an employee a certain amount of days
  207. News:Multiple agency handling: Don´t create mirror items from speculation projects (J)
  208. News:Negotiated discount now calculatable backwards in draft
  209. News:Negotiated discount now comparable with other agencies within the same Marathon installation
  210. News:Negotiations list
  211. News:New VAT report: Outside EU export goods & services
  212. News:New Year in Marathon 2015
  213. News:New authorization: Open all employees according to group authorization
  214. News:New calculation basis for fees (on the total invoice sum exclusive of VAT)
  215. News:New calculation type for commission from media
  216. News:New choice: internal VAT in invoicing
  217. News:New choice in Yearly agreement: All clients
  218. News:New column: Max CTC in the list of campaigns
  219. News:New column : Week in Reconciliation of media invoices
  220. News:New column Max CTC in the list of plans
  221. News:New column in Ad check: Unit
  222. News:New column in Client and project: Notes
  223. News:New column in Enter vouchers: Registered
  224. News:New column in General ledger/Account specification: Alternative account code
  225. News:New column in Media/Media plans: Campaign
  226. News:New column in Media/Reconciliation of media invoices: Plan name
  227. News:New column in Media inquiries showing insertion status
  228. News:New column in Products and Clients showing Our reference
  229. News:New column in Purchase Ledger/Questions showing VAT code
  230. News:New column in Purchase Ledger/Questions showing registrator for scanned invoice
  231. News:New column in Purchase ledger/Questions showing posted VAT
  232. News:New column in Reconciliation media invoices: CTC
  233. News:New column in Reconciliation of media invoices: Client net insertion
  234. News:New column in Reconciliation of media invoices: Latest claim
  235. News:New column in Reconciliation of media invoices showing claim status
  236. News:New column in Register media invoices from Mediatrade showing claim status
  237. News:New column in Register media invoices showing claim status
  238. News:New column in Sales ledger/Invoice distribution: Created by
  239. News:New column in Sales ledger/Queries showing VAT rate
  240. News:New column in Sales ledger/Questions showing short name
  241. News:New column in the client list: Estimate client (name)
  242. News:New column in the week view of Resource planning: Project manager
  243. News:New column template code
  244. News:New column template code: Campaign
  245. News:New column template code: Campaign (code)
  246. News:New column template code: Client (external name)
  247. News:New column template code: Collective media type (name)
  248. News:New column template code: Collective media type code
  249. News:New column template code: Formats
  250. News:New column template code: media statistics code
  251. News:New column template codes for received column-millimetres
  252. News:New column template definition: Media statistics code (name)
  253. News:New columns for dimensions (name) in General Ledger/account specification
  254. News:New columns in Enter media invoices via Mediatrade
  255. News:New columns in Media inquiries showing date and user for registration
  256. News:New columns in export of suppliers’ register: VAT code, VAT number, etc.
  257. News:New columns in reconciliation media invoices: Invoice date client invoices and Invoice date media invoices
  258. News:New credit check in the Media system
  259. News:New detail level in project invoicing: Code/Description
  260. News:New hierarchies for groups in PRO and cost centres in G/L
  261. News:New names on amount columns in Approval
  262. News:New parameter for default payment priority on suppliers
  263. News:New password
  264. News:New report definitions for WIP valuated amount: Automatically reserved and Manually reserved
  265. News:New selection and summarization definition in project reports: Occupation
  266. News:New selection available in Ad check: Order
  267. News:New selection definition: Campaign
  268. News:New selection definition and new column template code in media reports: Our reference
  269. News:New selection definition in Media inquiries: Campaign
  270. News:New selection in Reconciliation Time: Staff category
  271. News:New selection in Time Corrections: Registration date
  272. News:New selection in general ledger/Account specification: Only transactions
  273. News:New selections and new column in Backoffice: Purchase ledger/Balance report
  274. News:New selections and new column in Backoffice: Sales ledger/Balance report
  275. News:New subtotal: Reference number
  276. News:New subtotal in project reports: Accounting period
  277. News:New subtotal in project reports: Invoice client
  278. News:New summation definition: Campaign
  279. News:New terms of payment in an agreement: Count from printout day
  280. News:New turnover calculation in Special agreement
  281. News:New year 2013
  282. News:New year 2013 detailed
  283. News:Norway: Import of return file for payments in Backoffice: Bookkeeping/Enter vouchers
  284. News:Norway: Suppliers´payments with foreign invoices
  285. News:Notifications- messages of errors in automatic update of media invoices ro SL
  286. News:Number of created order is now shown in Enter media invoices
  287. News:Number of created order is now shown in Enter media invoices via Mediatrade (DK)
  288. News:One invoice per Collective product
  289. News:One program as several favourites with different names
  290. News:Option to undo in resource planning
  291. News:Optional date interval period now selectable in a project’s analysis tab
  292. News:Order header can now be shown in e-mail header when sending orders
  293. News:Order import
  294. News:Order reconciliation in media inquiries
  295. News:Order type, media and insertion date can now be shown as subject when mailing order
  296. News:Orders created by draft is now regarding to the surcharge code’s setting for commissions
  297. News:Other corrections
  298. News:Our reference as selection and column in Reconciliation of media invoices
  299. News:Overdue invoices per client manager in Sales ledger/Questions (customized)
  300. News:Own ID on collective client, fields and column templates
  301. News:Parameter: Do not update clients in S/L when transferring invoices from MED
  302. News:Parameter: Do not use contact person of invoicing client
  303. News:Parameter: Update only fee for approved days
  304. News:Parameter for VAT number mandatory for registration of Supplier
  305. News:Parameter for always calculating cash discount on net-net
  306. News:Parameter for mandatory project labelling in Backoffice: Base registers/Pro/Clients-projects
  307. News:Parameter for maximum time per day
  308. News:Parameter for not having same reference number for whole plan as default on new plans
  309. News:Parameter for one spot per insertion in import of campaign from TV Gate
  310. News:Parameter for today’s date to be shown by default in 08-70-10, field To insertion date
  311. News:Parameter for warning when pre-invoice amount exceeds plan amount
  312. News:Parameter per client for one insertion per spot in import of quotation from TV- Gate
  313. News:Parameter that blocks purchase entries on projects
  314. News:Parameter to allow invoicing only of projects with reference number
  315. News:Parametric function in media invoicing: e-mail only invoices with amount 0
  316. News:Payment summary
  317. News:Per date, new selection in Backoffice: Purchase ledger/Questions
  318. News:Periodical allocation of fees, purchases and other
  319. News:Plan name now as column in Classic 08-80-34 (Net discrepancy per age)
  320. News:Possibility to add client on unknown orders (900000-orders)
  321. News:Possibility to add comments on reports
  322. News:Possibility to add surcharge code in draft
  323. News:Possibility to block collective products
  324. News:Possibility to calculate interest on credit invoices
  325. News:Possibility to change and merge purchase codes
  326. News:Possibility to change media on an invoiced order
  327. News:Possibility to charge Capital cost as part of discount to main client
  328. News:Possibility to detect existing invoices when registrating reconciliation code instead of amounts only
  329. News:Possibility to determine on discount code, whether capital cost on discount shall be calculated
  330. News:Possibility to enter up to 25 special prices per category or code on employee
  331. News:Possibility to enter up to five e-mail addresses in the field E-mail for invoices
  332. News:Possibility to hide negotiated discounts in the Media database on client level
  333. News:Possibility to import several posting templates consequently
  334. News:Possibility to make several selections in each field in Media report selections
  335. News:Possibility to mark on an order if extra measuring (opmåling) shall be added in the ad check
  336. News:Possibility to move several media invoices to new order number/insertion at the same time
  337. News:Possibility to pay invoices to plusgiro via BGC (Sweden)
  338. News:Possibility to printout project estimate to Excel with printout template
  339. News:Possibility to register up to ten special agreements
  340. News:Possibility to release dimensions from global chart of accounts
  341. News:Possibility to search with part of invoice number in Purchase Ledger/Questions
  342. News:Possibility to send invoices from Direct invoicing via e-mail
  343. News:Possibility to separate media cost from colour- or other surcharges
  344. News:Possibility to set earlier invoicing date per media type
  345. News:Possibility to sort out job codes in Time report approval
  346. News:Possibility to state a media as default in a media combination
  347. News:Possibility to state employee in PRO as client manager on client in MED
  348. News:Possibility to state supplier on project purchases in GL
  349. News:Possibility to state up to 100 approved media in client agreement
  350. News:Possibility to stop assigned accounts to be manually entered
  351. News:Possibility to use separate accounts for posting of capital cost 2, 3 and 4
  352. News:Posting in invoice currency
  353. News:Posting of client invoices on cost centre from Other-code
  354. News:Posting of client invoices on cost centres from surcharge- and fee codes
  355. News:Pre-invoice as insertion status
  356. News:Preview of invoice comment in Sales ledger/Questions
  357. News:Preview of notes in approvals’ watch list
  358. News:Previously registered values for Page in ad check now shown in editing screen.
  359. News:Printout function in Media clients agreement
  360. News:Printout function with print template in Enter vouchers
  361. News:Printout with template from Backoffice: Purchase Ledger/Questions
  362. News:Project budget: Contribution per tab
  363. News:Project estimate with calculated cost and possibility to exclude row at printout.
  364. News:Project inquiries
  365. News:Project invoicing: Copy invoice content and text from previous invoice
  366. News:Project mandatory on media plans now a client setting
  367. News:Project printouts
  368. News:Project summary
  369. News:Purchase corrections
  370. News:Purchase orders
  371. News:Quick search available in Media inquiries
  372. News:Quick search available in Reconciliation of media invoices
  373. News:Quick search in approval watch list
  374. News:Quotations
  375. News:Re-reporting of supplier’s payments (Sweden)
  376. News:Reading authorization to Watch list
  377. News:Recalculate in yearly agreements now usable even when other discounts exist on insertion
  378. News:Reconciliation PRO/MED
  379. News:Reconciliation Time
  380. News:Reconciliation of client invoices: warning when missing invoice number is entered
  381. News:Reference number on pre-invoices
  382. News:Reference to earlier invoices when crediting insertions and price rows
  383. News:Registered fee as column in Client & Project
  384. News:Remiders on claims, new selection and possibility th change e-mail address when sending reminders
  385. News:Remind of control copies in Media/Ad check
  386. News:Reprinted invoices labelled with Copy
  387. News:Resource planned on unreported days now in the project analysis
  388. News:Resource planning: Colour codes per project type is now a global setting
  389. News:Resource planning: Colour per job code
  390. News:Resource planning: Colour setting per project type (Internal and Speculation)
  391. News:Revaluation of foreign AR and AP
  392. News:Sales ledger/Queries: Preview of comment in the list
  393. News:Sales ledger/Queries: Red text on due date that has passed without payment
  394. News:Save and import selections in Administration/Changes
  395. News:Save selection in Clasic 04-41-50
  396. News:Scanned documents now saveable on collective client
  397. News:Search with blank reconciliation code
  398. News:Section is now possible to include in e-mail header when sending orders
  399. News:Selecting and sorting by plan owner in invoicing
  400. News:Selection Printed period for printed invoices
  401. News:Selection is now saved (per user and between logins) in the age distributed WIP list
  402. News:Selection of account to-from in Backoffice: Bookkeeping/balance sheet account-Profit/loss account
  403. News:Selection on companies in Media reports
  404. News:Selection on order number possible in printout of graphic plan
  405. News:Send all invoices from the invoice distribution program
  406. News:Send orders/inquiries to the same address together
  407. News:Send orders to several recipients at the same time
  408. News:Sending queue
  409. News:Separate posting per row in import from Huldt & Lillevik
  410. News:Setting to always caluclate cash discount on net-net
  411. News:Settings
  412. News:Several new columns in Enter media invoices Mediatrade
  413. News:Several price rows from the Media database selectable on the same order
  414. News:Show/hide Saturday and Sunday in resource planning
  415. News:Show end dates in export of plans and in insertions’ list on plan
  416. News:Show order and Show invoice as new options when entering media invoices from Mediatrade.
  417. News:Special account receivable for intercompany clients
  418. News:Special hourly rates per category or code regarding calculated cost
  419. News:Specification of time report lines on invoices
  420. News:Subtotals mandatory when printing out reports
  421. News:Supplier as selection in Reconciliation of media invoices
  422. News:Supplier code in vouchers for Danish companies
  423. News:Supplier’s terms of payment now shown in Enter media invoices
  424. News:Support
  425. News:Tag changes as finished without measures
  426. News:Technical specification texts in English
  427. News:Terms of payment for PRO clients now up to 999 days
  428. News:Text fields in posting of supplier’s invoices have been increased to 100 characters
  429. News:The System menu has moved from the start page
  430. News:The definition Campaign can now be printed on media plan, graphic plan and invoice
  431. News:The file name on plan printouts has now external client name (instead of internal)
  432. News:The indicator moves now directly from surcharge code field to amount field in Enter media invoices
  433. News:The media plan draft now takes into account possible capital cost and commission settings on surcharge codes
  434. News:The media reports are now adjusted to xlsx spreadsheet format
  435. News:The whole voucher type included in export of SIE-4
  436. News:Three new columns in Reconciliation media invoices: End date, Media type, Coll media type
  437. News:Three new columns in Reconciliation of media invoices: Media related and Not media related surcharges
  438. News:Three new columns in reconciliation media invoices: Reference no., Media invoice no., and Internal name
  439. News:Time report comment in project reports for not updated time
  440. News:Time reports for temporary workers
  441. News:Title as column
  442. News:Transfer from previous year
  443. News:Two columns in Backoffice: General ledger/Account specification
  444. News:Two new columns in Media inquiries: Base price net and Colour surcharge net
  445. News:Two new columns in Reconciliation of media invoices
  446. News:Two new subtotals: Staff category and Job codes in Media reports
  447. News:Two new subtotals in media reports: Collective client 2 and Collective client 3
  448. News:Up to eight printable subtotals in MED and MED&PRO reports
  449. News:Update
  450. News:Use Sellers reference from Mediatrade-invoice in Claims
  451. News:Users in MED can now be authorized to 25 different groups
  452. News:VAT and cost centre settings on invoice client
  453. News:Vat report in Back office/Bookkeeping has changed name to Reconciliation of input tax
  454. News:Version 544 with new graphical profile!
  455. News:Version 545
  456. News:Voucher number is shown on printout of invoices from Mediatrade
  457. News:Voucher scanning
  458. News:Voucher sequences from SL and PL have moved to GL
  459. News:WIP 2 in Client and Project has changed name to WIP+Planned
  460. News:WIP valuation
  461. News:WIP valuation ADM
  462. News:Warning if media invoice is entered on order when changing order and client invoice
  463. News:Warning when creating new project on client with exceeded credit limit
  464. News:Warning when invoicing internal, speculation- and 9-projects
  465. News:Warning when saving invoice number of pending invoice in Enter media invoices
  466. News:Warning when using insertion date that is more than one year old.
  467. News:Write message and attach documents when sending orders via email
  468. News:Yearly agreement per media type
  469. News:Zero invoices with other currency than base currency are now checked
  470. News:“Our reference” now includable in export of Products
  471. News:“Our reference” on claim now saved to reminder
  472. Kase:Extern kommunikation på Kalin Setterberg
  473. Kase:Web/Download
  474. Kase:Web/Media Info
  475. FAQ:ACC/Export to Adra Match Accounts
  476. FAQ:ACC/Group consolidation
  477. FAQ:ACC/Payments
  478. FAQ:ACC/Periods
  479. FAQ:ACC/Queries
  480. FAQ:ACC/Queries-Purchase ledger
  481. FAQ:ACC/Queries-Sales ledger
  482. FAQ:ACC/Reports
  483. FAQ:ACC/Revaluation of foreign trade debtors-creditors
  484. FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices
  485. FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Purchase orders
  486. FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Quotation queries
  487. FAQ:ACC/Transfer from previous year
  488. FAQ:ACC/VAT periods
  489. FAQ:FIN/Enter Vouchers
  490. FAQ:FIN/Estimate
  491. FAQ:MED/Ad check
  492. FAQ:MED/Agency settlements
  493. FAQ:MED/Change rate on uninvoiced orders
  494. FAQ:MED/Enter media invoices
  495. FAQ:MED/Media client agreements
  496. FAQ:MED/Media credit
  497. FAQ:MED/Media database
  498. FAQ:MED/Media database-Media database
  499. FAQ:MED/Media database-Media database log
  500. FAQ:MED/Media plans
  501. FAQ:MED/Media plans-E-order watch list
  502. FAQ:MED/Media plans-Order import
  503. FAQ:MED/Media plans-Order log
  504. FAQ:MED/Media queries
  505. FAQ:MED/Media reports
  506. FAQ:MED/Periodical allocations
  507. FAQ:MED/Reconciliation
  508. FAQ:MED/Yearly agreement
  509. FAQ:PRO/Contacts
  510. FAQ:PRO/Credit monitoring
  511. FAQ:PRO/Estimate templates
  512. FAQ:PRO/Export to payroll system
  513. FAQ:PRO/Internal sales
  514. FAQ:PRO/Queries
  515. FAQ:PRO/Queries-All Project
  516. FAQ:PRO/Queries-Overdue projects
  517. FAQ:PRO/Queries-Project printouts
  518. FAQ:PRO/Queries-Project queries
  519. FAQ:PRO/Time report approval
  520. FAQ:PRO/Time report approval-Time report approval
  521. FAQ:PRO/Time report approval-Watch list time report
  522. FAQ:PRO/WIP
  523. FAQ:PRO/WIP-WIP valuation
  524. FAQ:PRO/WIP-WIP valuation administration
  525. FAQ:SYS/Authorization group register
  526. FAQ:SYS/Base register
  527. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/CTS
  528. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/CTS/Categories
  529. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/CTS/Countries
  530. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/DIN
  531. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/DIN/Articles
  532. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/DIN/Parameters
  533. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/DIN/Senders
  534. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL
  535. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Account
  536. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Alternative acc code
  537. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Automatic postings
  538. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Cost centre
  539. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Cost centre allocations
  540. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Cost centre group
  541. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Cost object
  542. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Cost object allocations
  543. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Cost object group
  544. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Dimension
  545. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Expense types
  546. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Parameters
  547. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Report account code 1
  548. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Report account code 2
  549. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Report account code 3
  550. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/VAT classes
  551. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Voucher sequences
  552. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/GL/Voucher templates
  553. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General
  554. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Companies
  555. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Company specific parameters
  556. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Currencies
  557. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Currency set
  558. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Laser templates
  559. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Own fields
  560. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Own registers
  561. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Parameters per group
  562. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Print templates
  563. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Printers
  564. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Subsystem specific parameters
  565. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/System parameters
  566. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/VAT
  567. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/INV
  568. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/INV/Asset types
  569. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/INV/Column templates
  570. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/INV/Parameters
  571. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/INV/Placement codes
  572. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/MED
  573. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL
  574. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Bank accounts
  575. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Bank free days
  576. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Categories
  577. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Parameters
  578. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Payment sender
  579. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Posting templates
  580. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Sender
  581. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PL/Suppliers
  582. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO
  583. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Client categories
  584. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Code list
  585. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Collective clients
  586. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Collective coll.groups
  587. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Collective groups
  588. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Column templates
  589. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Estimate clients
  590. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Groups
  591. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Inter-company code
  592. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Job types
  593. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Lexikon
  594. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Number counter
  595. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Occupations
  596. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Optional project codes
  597. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Parameters
  598. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Payment sender
  599. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Period tables
  600. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Project label 1
  601. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Project label 2
  602. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Purchase order text
  603. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Report templates
  604. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Special hourly rates
  605. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Staff categories
  606. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Statistic period table
  607. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Working teams
  608. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/SL
  609. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/SL/Official discount rates
  610. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/SL/Parameters
  611. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/SL/Sender
  612. FAQ:SYS/Cases
  613. FAQ:SYS/Classic
  614. FAQ:SYS/GL
  615. FAQ:SYS/Help centre
  616. FAQ:SYS/Log
  617. FAQ:SYS/Log-Activity log
  618. FAQ:SYS/Log-Changes
  619. FAQ:SYS/Log-Kase support (sox)
  620. FAQ:SYS/Log-Licence history
  621. FAQ:SYS/Log-Licence usage
  622. FAQ:SYS/Notifications
  623. FAQ:SYS/PL
  624. FAQ:SYS/SL
  625. FAQ:SYS/SL-Clients
  626. FAQ:SYS/Sending queue
  627. FAQ:System/Base register/PRO/Campaign

Pages in translation

Some version of these pages have been marked for translation.

  1. Authorisation
  2. Calendar
  3. Camt introduction guide
  4. Clearing of accounts
  5. Client and Project
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Contacts
  8. Correction of Time, Purchases and Other
  9. Direct invoicing
  10. Documents in Marathon
  11. Email invoices
  12. Enter and approval of supplier invoices
  13. Enter clients and projects
  14. Enter employees and users
  15. Enter vouchers
  16. Estimate revenues/costs
  17. Expense reports startup
  18. Extern kommunikation på Kalin Setterberg
  19. FAQ/PRO
  20. Favourites
  21. General functionality
  22. Group consolidation
  23. Handling of hourly prices in foreign currency
  24. Interest invoicing
  25. Internal and External corrections in the Reconciliation
  26. Internal invoicing PRO
  27. Internal reconciliations
  28. Inventory ledger
  29. Invoice scanning
  30. Invoicing
  31. Lagervärdering
  32. Marathon
  33. Marathon Documentation
  34. Marathon Time
  35. Media Base registers
  36. Media Plans and Orders
  37. Media accounting
  38. Media credit
  39. Media invoice interpretation
  40. Media invoices
  41. Media reports
  42. Monthly closing reconciliation
  43. Mva reports via Altinn
  44. NEWSːDefault valuta i Projektrapporter
  45. NEWSːNya summeringsbegrepp i Medierapporter
  46. NEWSːSpara urval i Media/Avstämning
  47. New company in Marathon
  48. New field within pre-invoice for your ref
  49. New year - Quick guide
  50. New year 2016 545
  51. New year in Marathon
  52. Payment reminders
  53. Payments
  54. Payments in the graphical interface
  55. Periodical allocations
  56. Pocket Expense reports
  57. Pocket Time and Time log
  58. Posting of a non-media related cost in a media invoice
  59. Pre-invoicing
  60. Pre-invoicing in the Media system
  61. Project queries
  62. Purchase orders
  63. Reconciliations between companies
  64. Registrering medarbetare/användare
  65. Reminders
  66. Reports
  67. Resource planning
  68. Revaluation of foreign trade debtors/creditors
  69. SAF-T Finance in Marathon
  70. Scanning of suppliers' and media invoices
  71. Special authorisation for account administration
  72. Special hourly rates
  73. Surcharge agreements
  74. Table registration
  75. Technical specification
  76. Time report approval
  77. WIP valuation
  78. Zero invoicing
  79. Category:Marathon
  80. Category:PRO
  81. News:(Svenska) Alla unika referensnummer på planen visas i Media: Medieplaner
  82. News:(Svenska) Ny kolumn i Avstämning mediafakturor: Alternativt ordernummer
  83. News:(Svenska) Ränteprocentsatsen har nu utökats till två decimaler
  84. News:A new searchable field for Internal name on invoice clients
  85. News:A warning is now given wnen an invoice with other date than planned invoice date/month is printed out
  86. News:Add invoices to created Payment selections
  87. News:Added Contact person mandatory checkbox under Base registers/MED/Clients/Parameters 2
  88. News:Added Document tab on the Supplier under Base registers - Project ledger - Suppliers
  89. News:Added fields for Payment terms and Swift/bank under Base registers/P/l/Suppliers/New account information
  90. News:Added selection Entry date to the Export to payroll system
  91. News:Addition to Camt import
  92. News:Additional email adresses for reminders
  93. News:Additions to Expense types list
  94. News:Adjustment of payment format Citibank via Trax
  95. News:Age distributed WIP list in PDF
  96. News:Allocate - One insertion per consecutive period
  97. News:Allocate - One insertion per half year
  98. News:Allocate - possibility of choosing several orders
  99. News:Allocate order
  100. News:Allocate per quarter
  101. News:Allocation One insertion per week, split amounts per number of days
  102. News:Allocation in Enter client invoices
  103. News:Allow booking of expense reports with final approval that includes a comment
  104. News:Allow change of Media statistics code on order
  105. News:Allow changes in order information even if credit limit is exceeded
  106. News:Allow corrections on Automatic vouchers
  107. News:Alternative acc code in Book of entries
  108. News:Alternative code for reference from reports on Own fields for Orders
  109. News:Amount from price row as a Column template code
  110. News:Amount limit for Voucher approval
  111. News:Approval of Media Client and Client agreements
  112. News:Approval of Project invoices
  113. News:Approval of Purchase Orders
  114. News:Approval of Suppliers
  115. News:Approval of Surcharge agreements
  116. News:Approval of Users and Authorisation
  117. News:Approval of Vouchers
  118. News:Approval of Vouchers Enhancement
  119. News:Approval report
  120. News:Approve reversal under Invoicing and Adjusting - Invoices
  121. News:Authorisation on voucher series
  122. News:Authorisation to Correction of Suppliers invoices
  123. News:Authorisation to Show others notifications
  124. News:Authorisations to Agency settlement
  125. News:Automatgenererade mailrubriker per kund i MED
  126. News:Automatic ID setting on new Suppliers
  127. News:Automatic adjustment of WIP when printing a project invoice
  128. News:Automatic import of currencies
  129. News:Avtal ej obligatoriskt vid orderimport
  130. News:Background update lists from cache
  131. News:Base currency and Invoice currency in Invoicing and Adjusting
  132. News:Base register for Unit per Media type
  133. News:Base registers users - Summarize the number of users
  134. News:Basic definition OT-balance in project reports
  135. News:Batch Change of Invoicing currency and Rate
  136. News:Batch change Owner on Orders
  137. News:Batch change for Projects under Projects - Queries - Project queries
  138. News:Batch change for price rows on insertion level
  139. News:Batch change of Campaigns
  140. News:Batch change of Correction Status
  141. News:Batch change of Invoice currency and rate in the list of orders
  142. News:Batch change of Product in Media plans
  143. News:Book with new posting of manually registered media invoices.
  144. News:Booking date in the list of orders on the media plan
  145. News:Button for locking column in the Table registration
  146. News:Calculated amounts and default columns in project invoicing
  147. News:Calculation basis, Discount code and Discount number as columns in Yearly agreement
  148. News:Calculation basis for Net after left comission to client and agency
  149. News:Calendar dates in Table registration
  150. News:Campaign added to the invoice text on Media E-invoices
  151. News:Campaign name field extended to 100 characters
  152. News:Camt import
  153. News:Camt import addition
  154. News:Capital cost 2-4 as columns in the list of MED agreements
  155. News:Cash flow forecast under Accounting - Reports - Bookkeeping
  156. News:Change Agreement code in the graphical interface
  157. News:Change Employee code in the graphical interface
  158. News:Change Media Code
  159. News:Change VAT name
  160. News:Change client code
  161. News:Change client in Accounting - Queries
  162. News:Change delivery status from media reconciliation
  163. News:Change delivery status on insertion level
  164. News:Change in behavior of function button CREDIT
  165. News:Change invoice in reconciliation
  166. News:Change of working group: Change approver per working group
  167. News:Change of working group: Time report approval
  168. News:Change to Create plan via Campaign
  169. News:Change to Queries
  170. News:Changed the order of columns in Change supplier
  171. News:Changes in invoice distribution
  172. News:Changes of OK check in Enter scanned media invoices
  173. News:Changes to Approval
  174. News:Changes to Authorisation Read on Media plans
  175. News:Changes to Authorisations for Purchase Ledger/Base registers/Suppliers
  176. News:Changes to Create plan via Campaign
  177. News:Changes to E-invoice receivers with format EHF in Norway
  178. News:Changes to Media database
  179. News:Changes to Media invoice interpretation
  180. News:Changes to Media invoicing selection
  181. News:Changes to import of SIE files
  182. News:Changes to the Approval function for Vouchers.
  183. News:Changes to the field Employee groups on the fee code
  184. News:Check project's company relation in Media credit control
  185. News:Checkboxes for Block current deduction and Settle all under Media - Pre-inv
  186. News:Clearing of accounts between cost centres
  187. News:Client (Internal name) in the Media plan list
  188. News:Client cost estimate in graphic interface
  189. News:Code in Accounting reports
  190. News:Collective publisher as column and exportable in base registers
  191. News:Collective surcharge codes
  192. News:Collective workgroup
  193. News:Column "Cash discount" in Payment selections
  194. News:Column "Deadline" under Invoicing and Adjusting in the list Project
  195. News:Column "Excl. VAT" under Accounting queries
  196. News:Column "Invoice comment" in Media plan/order
  197. News:Column Project in Expenses - Expense reports watch list - Watch list
  198. News:Column Publisher in Media plans and Media queries
  199. News:Column Status in the event log for Suppliers invoices
  200. News:Column Week in the list of insertions on the order in Media plans
  201. News:Column for Campaign in the Reconciliation
  202. News:Column for Client code in Media/Queries
  203. News:Column for Correction status in the Reconciliation list
  204. News:Column for Group on projects in Base registers - Pro - Clients and projects
  205. News:Column for Job type under Project - Queries
  206. News:Column for Master project under Project management
  207. News:Column for Order heading in the Reconciliation list
  208. News:Column for Our ref in the Order import tab in Media plans
  209. News:Column for Payment date in 08-70-25
  210. News:Column for Project manager under Registration correction and updating - Update WIP
  211. News:Column for Reference number in the Invoice distribution
  212. News:Column for insertion status on a opened invoice in the Media invoice-interpretation
  213. News:Column template code for Pre-inv text
  214. News:Columns for Estimate under Accounting - Queries - Accounts
  215. News:Columns for Invoice amount excl vat under Media plans - Invoices
  216. News:Comment on collective clients
  217. News:Connection to BRREG
  218. News:Copy Media plan without the order instruction
  219. News:Correction Media Invoice voucher TX
  220. News:Correction of suppliers' invoices
  221. News:Cost center columns in Queries
  222. News:Cost centre as a selection and a column in Media Reconciliation and Media Queries
  223. News:Cost centre in Age distributed WIP list
  224. News:Cost centre mandatory on the media client
  225. News:Creation date as column in base register Media Clients
  226. News:Credit class headlines in Base register/MED/Collective clients
  227. News:Credit control in Project queries
  228. News:Currency and Category as new selections under Payment selections
  229. News:Current pre invoice deduction per row
  230. News:Danske Bank SEPAv3 for Norwegian companies
  231. News:Decimals on the interest invoice sum
  232. News:Deduct from collective client for Pre-inv in MED
  233. News:Default Delivery status to Delivered as definitive when batch changing insertions on order level
  234. News:Default insertion status on Media
  235. News:Delete accumulated interests in graphical interface
  236. News:Delete insertions on Order level
  237. News:Deliverance status
  238. News:Delivery status in Media reports
  239. News:Details in Vouchers
  240. News:Different alternatives to Update booked away discrepancies
  241. News:Discount view added to Table registration
  242. News:Display Campaign before Media plan number in the navigation field
  243. News:Distribute several media invoices in one E-mail
  244. News:Do not send zero invoices
  245. News:Document path for vouchers
  246. News:Due date in invoice distribution
  247. News:E-order status as a column template code for MED reports
  248. News:Edit comment field on the invoice in Invoice distribution
  249. News:Edit field Turnover in Special agreement
  250. News:Edit not settled in Agency Settlement.
  251. News:Edit periodical allocations in graphical interface
  252. News:Employee group/Employee as detail level for Fees in the project analysis
  253. News:Employee group in Column templates
  254. News:Employee group text fields as registers on Other codes and Purchase codes
  255. News:Employees will not be shown in Time report approval if their calendar period is later than the selected month
  256. News:End date mandatory for all media types except Print
  257. News:End date period selection in Media reports and Media queries
  258. News:Enter manual client invoices
  259. News:Error warnings for mandatory fields in table registrations
  260. News:Estimate mandatory for external projects
  261. News:Expand Merge function
  262. News:Expenses with corporate card
  263. News:Export Default surcharge code under Parameters 2 on the Media
  264. News:Extended OK-control in interpretation of Media invoices
  265. News:Fakturera införanden t o m
  266. News:Favorite marking on project reports
  267. News:Field Campaign in registering projects in Projects queries
  268. News:Field for Payment reminder E-mail under Sales ledger - Clients
  269. News:Field for Ref no for interest invoices on Sales ledger clients
  270. News:Field for Surcharge agreement on Media
  271. News:Fields for sending mail copies in Sales ledger
  272. News:Fix Surcharge agreement
  273. News:Foreign currency as columns in MED pre-invoicing
  274. News:Function for rejecting media invoices
  275. News:Functionality for moving Media invoices to a new date
  276. News:GDPR function to remove personal data
  277. News:Get and set timereport status in the API
  278. News:Group mandatory on plan
  279. News:Group name and Group code as new columns in the Collective clients register
  280. News:Handelsbanken Norway SEPAv3 format
  281. News:Heading for revaluation function
  282. News:IBAN account on Foreign OIO E-invoices
  283. News:ISO20022 payments for Danske Bank in Finland
  284. News:If the text data definition have more details than the summary data definition a * indicates this in the summary data definition field in MED and MED PRO reports
  285. News:Immediate superior in Notifications
  286. News:Import of SIE4
  287. News:Import of currency rates
  288. News:Improvents to LOG Changes
  289. News:Include Earlier invoiced on Collective invoices
  290. News:Increased numbers of Approved media in the agreement
  291. News:Intercompany code only from register
  292. News:Internal corrections - Set terms of payments on internal corrections to 0
  293. News:Internal name and reference number columns
  294. News:Introduction to Marathon 546
  295. News:Inv No - Inv date and Due date in Revaluation of foreign trade debtors/creditors
  296. News:Inventory ledger in the graphical interface
  297. News:Invoice distribution new column Payment date
  298. News:Invoices per surcharge code in Media - Invoicing
  299. News:Karkimedia digital medias
  300. News:Kolumn med kontering i Ekonomi/Avstämning mellan bolag - internförsäljning
  301. News:Kontaktperson från planhuvudet nu även i fördelningsmallen
  302. News:Kostnadsställe som urval och kolumn i Medierapporter
  303. News:LOB added to Special prices
  304. News:LOG creation on tab Estimate in PRO
  305. News:Last used tab in Accounting/Queries saved on user
  306. News:Log for API
  307. News:Log registrator date and time from the Time registration
  308. News:Longer email fields
  309. News:MED invoicing in the background
  310. News:Make adjustments per invoice
  311. News:Make orders definitive in queries with credit check before enabled
  312. News:Mandatory fields in Table registration
  313. News:Marking currencies to be visible in Marathon Pocket
  314. News:Mass-creation new product on a number of clients
  315. News:Matching of estimate in time reporting
  316. News:Matching of supplier FIK-account on supplier AT invoices
  317. News:Max currency discr on foreign invoice text
  318. News:Maximum columns in Media reports extended to 192
  319. News:Media brand as column data definition in Media reports
  320. News:Media pre-invoicing in graphical interface
  321. News:Mediastatistikkod som summeringsbegrepp i mediarapporter
  322. News:Merged functions and buttons
  323. News:Message-function on vouchers
  324. News:Message columns under Expenses watch list
  325. News:Momsklass i Utläggsredovisningen
  326. News:More information on reminder/errors on suppliers' and media invoices
  327. News:Namnge kreditklass A-F i Mediaparametrarna
  328. News:Net-net, Net-net client and CTC as columns on insertion level in Media plans
  329. News:Net-net client total in Table registration
  330. News:Net discrepancy per age and reconciliation code in graphical interface
  331. News:New Column Group in Media queries
  332. News:New Column with over-collective client customer name in Base/MED/Collective clients
  333. News:New Columns, Estimate Fees and Total Estimate in Projects/Queries/All projects
  334. News:New Columns in Invoicing and Adjusting
  335. News:New Columns in Project/Queries/Client and project
  336. News:New Invoice type
  337. News:New allocation in list of orders and table registration: One insertion per week
  338. News:New alternatives for restraining “Invoice the whole plan at first insertion”
  339. News:New bank BNP Paribas
  340. News:New bank HB3 for ISO20022 format
  341. News:New calculation basis for Fixed price in Surcharge agreements
  342. News:New calculation basis for special agreements: Net media cost
  343. News:New check when booking Media and Supplier invoices
  344. News:New column, Internal correction, in Accounting/Queries/Client invoices
  345. News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters, MED, Clients
  346. News:New column, Reporting ID in Baseregisters/MED/Clients
  347. News:New column, Supplier in Media, Reconciliation
  348. News:New column, Supplier in Media/Reconciliation
  349. News:New column "Insertion status" on media invoices
  350. News:New column Adjusted
  351. News:New column Client in Base register Campaign
  352. News:New column E-mail in invoice distribution
  353. News:New column Media type in the list of Media plans
  354. News:New column VAT number in Base registers - PL - Suppliers
  355. News:New column booking date period in list of vouchers
  356. News:New column for Campaign
  357. News:New column for Immediate superior
  358. News:New column for LOB in Time reporting
  359. News:New column for Reference number in report Ageing analysis, Sales Ledger
  360. News:New column in Balance report S/L and P/L
  361. News:New column in Media clients for Client manager
  362. News:New column in Media reports
  363. News:New column template codes for procent paid
  364. News:New columns, Estimate Fees and Estimate Total in Projects, Queries, All projects
  365. News:New columns for Client Category
  366. News:New columns for LOB
  367. News:New columns in Correction Time reporting
  368. News:New columns in Invoicing and Adjusting
  369. News:New columns in List purchases
  370. News:New columns in Project, Queries, Client and project
  371. News:New credit classes on PRO clients
  372. News:New data definition for Accumulated project time in project reports.
  373. News:New data definition for Own fields on Media Plan in Column templates.
  374. News:New error message in Reconciliation
  375. News:New export format to payroll system
  376. News:New field on the insertion Invoicing start
  377. News:New fields to be approved in the Require confirmation setting for Suppliers
  378. News:New function in Accounting for Estimate of revenues and cost
  379. News:New language AU
  380. News:New limit in Sending queue
  381. News:New parameter for Block current deduction
  382. News:New parameter for mandatory Client category
  383. News:New parameter for payments, Trax
  384. News:New parameter in Client parameters to name Reminders
  385. News:New selection Collective group in Age distributed WIP list
  386. News:New selection Only not Deducted in media invoicing.
  387. News:New selection Week or Day in Cash flow forecast
  388. News:New selection for Bank account
  389. News:New selection in Approval
  390. News:New selection in Time reporting Reconciliation
  391. News:New selections in Age distributed WIP list
  392. News:New subtotal: Estimate client
  393. News:New subtotal Cost centre in Project/Reports
  394. News:New type of limit amount calculation in Approval of vouchers
  395. News:New warning for insertion dates
  396. News:New warnings on PRO client
  397. News:Opening balance PRO
  398. News:Order date as a column data definition in Media reports and column for Order date in Media/Queries
  399. News:Organisation number and Country code is presented for client invoices
  400. News:Own ID on MED agreements
  401. News:Own fields and Own registers connection for Projects
  402. News:Own fields for Campaigns
  403. News:Own fields for Orders in MED reports and MEDPRO reports
  404. News:Own fields for Suppliers
  405. News:Own fields for Users
  406. News:Own fields on Inter company code
  407. News:PDF is now sent in OIO invoices
  408. News:PRO reports log refno invno
  409. News:Parameter, default owner of order from plan or registrator
  410. News:Parameter for Campaign and Product mandatory only on new plans and orders
  411. News:Parameter for Group from project manager when creating project
  412. News:Parameter for Media type from the media in reports
  413. News:Parameter for VAT with decimals in Direct invoicing
  414. News:Parameter for including paid pre-invoices from PRO in MED credit monitoring
  415. News:Parameter for mandatory planned invoice date
  416. News:Parameter for new clients only through MED
  417. News:Parameter for not including VAT in current pre-invoice deduction
  418. News:Parameter to exclude capital cost on price row
  419. News:Parameters for default product mandatory set and campaign mandatory set on new MED clients
  420. News:Payments direct to Bankgirot with HMAC seal
  421. News:Payments in classic 03-60 is replaced and can now be found in Accounting Payments
  422. News:Payments via Bank Connect
  423. News:Perform credit check before a Purchase order is saved
  424. News:Perform credit check when confirming estimate
  425. News:Period column in PRO invoicing
  426. News:Period on the insertion for digital and outdoor media types
  427. News:Plan label 1 to 3 as columns in the list of Media plans
  428. News:Planned insertion lines on booked orders
  429. News:Possibility to add Group on surcharge code
  430. News:Possibility to change cost centre on client invoices
  431. News:Possibility to copy previous years result to Estimate
  432. News:Possibility to mark Publisher as inactive
  433. News:Possible to change Supplier on already booked invoices
  434. News:Possible to export accounting reports to clipboard
  435. News:Possible to export project reports to clipboard
  436. News:Possible to export the reports Pre-inv list and status to Excel.
  437. News:Possible to inactivate Shared Business-clients
  438. News:Possible to print out Statement of accounts in Purchase Ledger.
  439. News:Posting of fictitious VAT in the function for Reverse charge
  440. News:Pre-approval and Final approval as columns in Expense reports watch list under Booked invoices
  441. News:Preliminary insertions on definitive orders - Revised
  442. News:Print Graphical Plan - Selection on Definitive - Preliminary and Not confirmed from Table registration
  443. News:Print out Campaign name and Plan name when printing Material list
  444. News:Print report on EU-export to SKAT
  445. News:Printout of depreciations in Vouchers
  446. News:Products from MED in PRO
  447. News:Project and IC1 in SIE File
  448. News:Projektrapporter begrepp för pris på ouppdaterat arvode
  449. News:Quantity and Unit price for purchases in Project Estimates
  450. News:Reconciliation at order-level in Media plans
  451. News:Red dot notification for Expense reports watch list
  452. News:Reference number on insertion
  453. News:Refinement of lock funktion in Projects, update wip
  454. News:Register Other content in text tab
  455. News:Register for Reference number on the Media plan
  456. News:Registration on Actuals for Surcharges in Actuals page
  457. News:Replaced function in Classic
  458. News:Replacement of Classic 03-32
  459. News:Report Hour-, client export with employees in columns in graphical interface
  460. News:Report Statistics Late Orders in graphical interface
  461. News:Reverse Booked away Discrepancies
  462. News:Reverse Interest invoice
  463. News:Reverse Media invoice
  464. News:Reverse Zero invoicing in graphic interface
  465. News:Reverse part of media invoice in graphical interface
  466. News:Reverse suppliers' invoices
  467. News:Save password history
  468. News:Save selection on several records in media reports
  469. News:Save selections in Project reports
  470. News:Search for invoices in Project queries
  471. News:Search for multiple invoice numbers in Accounting/Queries
  472. News:Select all dates in Table registration
  473. News:Select correction status in the Credit popup
  474. News:Select insertions now also includes status P and I
  475. News:Select several Media types on Format codes for Table registration
  476. News:Select which Surcharge codes to be shown on the order
  477. News:Selection of clearing status
  478. News:Selection on Account under Accounting - Queries - Book of entries
  479. News:Selection on Authorisation when exporting list of Project clients
  480. News:Selection on Collective media type under Media - Invoicing
  481. News:Selection on Correction in MED reports and column template code for Correction
  482. News:Selection on Cost centre group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template
  483. News:Selection on Cost object group in Bookkeeping reports with the type Print template
  484. News:Selection on Credit class and Credit limit when exporting list of Project clients
  485. News:Selection on Currency in queries Supplers invoices
  486. News:Selection on Delivery status in Media Queries
  487. News:Selection on Discr 2 net-net under Media - Reconciliation
  488. News:Selection on Employee group in MED&PRO reports
  489. News:Selection on Inv date and Due date under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
  490. News:Selection on Payment date for Client invoices and Suppliers invoices in Queries
  491. News:Selection on VAT in queries Supplers invoices
  492. News:Selection on invoice amount in Accounting/Queries
  493. News:Selection on registration date in Export to payroll system
  494. News:Selection on several delivery statuses in the Reconciliation
  495. News:Selection to exclude zero-invoices in Accounting/Queries
  496. News:Send E-invoices from Marathon via PEPPOL
  497. News:Send interest invoices via Invoice distribution
  498. News:Separate authorisation for Media Invoicing and Media Pre-inv
  499. News:Set authorisation to groups in the API
  500. News:Set default Insurance amount 1 in MED parameters
  501. News:Set end date as invoicing start
  502. News:Sharing of purchase codes with selection on project group
  503. News:Show Delivery status change in the order log
  504. News:Show VAT and Amount incl VAT for project estimates
  505. News:Show clients in Base register Media Collective clients
  506. News:Show pre invoice
  507. News:Show several Media invoices and write same message on several Media invoices
  508. News:Show several client invoices under Accounting - Queries - Client invoices
  509. News:Show total sums in the table registration
  510. News:Skapa nytt dokument på kund i MED
  511. News:Sort order Reporting ID in Accounting - Reports - Sales ledger for Ageing analysis and Balance report
  512. News:Structured payment information to Danske Bank
  513. News:Subtotal for Accounting date year in MED reports and MED&PRO reports
  514. News:Subtotals for Insertion/End date, Order no + date,, End date
  515. News:Suggestion from latest pre-invoice
  516. News:Sum of selected rows
  517. News:Sum of selected rows in Accounting queries
  518. News:Sum of selected rows in the Table registration
  519. News:Sums in invoice lists on the media plan
  520. News:Superior client manager as selection and column data definition in media reports and as selection in Media queries.
  521. News:Superior client manager on PRO clients and in PRO reports
  522. News:Suppliers' invoices now bookable directly when saving
  523. News:Support for Dimensions in Book discrepancies and Media invoices
  524. News:Sync of Contract no field between PRO and MED
  525. News:Sync of IC code to PRO
  526. News:System setting of Marathon language
  527. News:Sök i Ekonomi Frågor Konton
  528. News:Tab for documents on Media clients
  529. News:Template versions for Office and Pocket
  530. News:The account balance is now presented in Voucher reg
  531. News:The code in the user register must be the same as in the Emloyee register in PRO
  532. News:The column template code IENH now show name instead of code
  533. News:The suppliers invoice number in the list of vouchers
  534. News:Time report approval by Immediate user
  535. News:Transaction fees SEB
  536. News:Two new Job types
  537. News:Two new Media Report column concepts: Insertion/Delivery status and Media/Country code
  538. News:Undo Order allocation
  539. News:Unlock locked media orders in grpahical interface
  540. News:Update timereport when marked as complete or full time
  541. News:Urval på Kostnadsställe i Projektrapporter
  542. News:Users in Media only for authorisation
  543. News:Utökat stöd för representation i Utläggsredovisningen
  544. News:VAT as a column data definition for Media reports
  545. News:Val om kurser ska behållas eller raderas vid kopiering av plan/order
  546. News:Warning when pre-invoice deduction exceeds WIP when creating new PRO invoice
  547. News:Webhooks
  548. News:Your reference on media plan
  549. News:Ändra belopp i nettokolumnen vid registrering av tolkade mediefakturor
  550. Kase:Translations/Tenant
  551. Kase:Translations/Tenant/DWI
  552. Kase:Translations/Tenant/MABI
  553. Kase:Translations/Tenant/PATR
  554. Kase:Translations/Tenant/SCR
  555. Kase:Translations/biinput
  556. Kase:Translations/helpcenter
  557. Kase:Web
  558. Kase:Web/About Marathon
  559. Kase:Web/About Us
  560. Kase:Web/Charity
  561. Kase:Web/Contact
  562. Kase:Web/Employees
  563. Kase:Web/Header
  564. FAQ:ACC/Approval
  565. FAQ:ACC/Estimate
  566. FAQ:ACC/Expenses
  567. FAQ:ACC/Expenses-Expense reports watch list
  568. FAQ:ACC/Invoice distribution
  569. FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Preliminary entering
  570. FAQ:ACC/Suppliers invoices-Watch list
  571. FAQ:ACC/Vouchers
  572. FAQ:Helpcenter/Support
  573. FAQ:MED/Media plans-Media plans
  574. FAQ:PRO/Adjusting-Invoicing
  575. FAQ:PRO/Queries-Client and project
  576. FAQ:PRO/Registration, corrections and updatings
  577. FAQ:PRO/Reports
  578. FAQ:PRO/Resource planning
  579. FAQ:PRO/Time reporting
  580. FAQ:SYS/Authorisation
  581. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/General/Users
  582. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Calendar
  583. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Clients and projects
  584. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Employees
  585. FAQ:SYS/Base registers/PRO/Invoice clients

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An old version of this page is marked for translation, but the latest version cannot be marked for translation.

  1. Camt53 Introduction guide